About venue of IGF 2025

IGF-UA Steering Committee letter to Mr Masango on the inadmissibility of holding the IGF 2025 in the aggressor country, which is recognized as a sponsor of terrorism.

Read more

Internet Identifiers in time of war

The project is implemented by iNGO European Media Platform (with the financial support of RIPE NCC) from December 2022.

The design of the project:

  1. End-users survey (completed)
  2. Expert survey of ISPs, LIRs, hosts, registrars
  3. Legal analyses of the results of surveys
  4. Recommendations

Results of the first part of the project (March 2023).

Map and background.

Goran Marby, Ukraine addresses to you!

iNGO European Media Platform is happy to participate in writing Ukrainian official propositions on isolating russian evil people from the new digital world order. We have more propositions. We need your support - not as your beneficence for us, Ukrainians, save, but for your, Western democratic world, surviving.

Letter to Goran Marby

What’s Wrong with Diia?

Ukrainian cybersecurity experts (Andrii Baranovych, Andrii Pertsiukh, Artem Karpinsky, Kostiantyn Korsun, Kir Vaznytcky, Oleksandr Matsko, Roman Khimich) analyzed problems with Diia – governmental mobile app for the State e-services provision. Igor Dubinskyi translated this analysis into English. iNGO European Media Platform strongly supports this initiative and shares this document to all potentially interested parties.

Full text in English: What’s Wrong with Diia? (pdf)

Original version (in Ukrainian) can be found here.

New! Recommendations based on the outcomes of
“Multistakeholder dialogue
on the Ukrainian way into the EU Digital Single Market”

Round table held on April 21, 2021
in the Verkhovna Rada Digital Transformation Committee

On April 21, 2021, a round table was held at the Verkhovna Rada Digital Transformation Committee and on the Committee's online resource to discuss the outcomes of “Establishing stakeholder collaboration in the process of Ukraine’s integration into the EU Digital Single Market” project (hereinafter “the Project”) first phase. European Media Platform (EMP, an international NGO) is implementing the Project with the support of the European Union and the International Renaissance Foundation as part of the grant component of the EU4USociety project.

more in English and Ukrainian here

New. Draftlaw on national regulator on electronic communications (in Ukrainian)

Terminology Comparison Table of European Electronic Communications Code and Ukrainian Draftlaws On Electronic Communications

NEW! Terminology Comparison Table of European Electronic Communications Code and Ukrainian Draftlaws On Electronic Communications


On June 7, 2019 the Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine hosted the presentation of “Integrating Ukraine into the European Digital Single Market: transforming impediments into the windows of opportunity” project outcomes. The event was attended by the representatives of Government Office for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration, the National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Informatization, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the State Agency on E-Governance, the Ukrainian Consumers’ Union, biggest mobile carriers and internet providers, as well as experts and civic activists. A resolution was adopted based on the roundtable discussion.


more information in Ukrainian


of 11 December 2018

establishing the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) and the Agency for Support for BEREC (BEREC Office), amending Regulation (EU) 2015/2120 and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1211/2009

Thank you very much to Valerie Dubitska for the translation of REGULATION (EU) 2018/1971 on BEREC into Ukrainian!

This translation was executed by iNGO European Media Platform with the support of the European Union and the International Renaissance Foundation within the framework of the Civic Synergy Project and under the auspices of the Ukrainian Side of the EU-Ukraine Civil Society Platform. Its contents are the sole responsibility of iNGO European Media Platform and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union and the International Renaissance Foundation.


European Electronic Communications Code

in Ukrainian

Thank you very much to Liliya Oleksiuk for the translation of European Electronic Communications Code into Ukrainian!

Thank yoy very much to Yuliya Garyacha, Liliia Malon, Matiash Tetiana, Olga Kvashuk, Svitlana Chernychuk, Oleksiy Tertychnyy, Anton Yur, Maksym Kozub, Valerie Dubitskaya, Andriy Kalenskiy, Olga Bolshakova, Volodymyr Nochvai, Facebook community for unique experiences of terminology finalization and approval! Is it possible to do such open discussion of terminology as tradition?

This translation was executed by iNGO European Media Platform with the support of the European Union and the International Renaissance Foundation within the framework of the Civic Synergy Project and under the auspices of the Ukrainian Side of the EU-Ukraine Civil Society Platform. Its contents are the sole responsibility of iNGO European Media Platform and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union and the International Renaissance Foundation.


Comparison table of terminology of European Electronic Communications Code and Ukrainian draftlaw On Electronic Communications (3549-1)

NEW! Comparison table of terminology of European Electronic Communications Code and Ukrainian draftlaw On Electronic Communications (3549-1)

Counterpart Deliverables 4 report

Counterpart Deliverables 4 report

YCIG Charter in Ukrainian

NEW! Ukrainian translation of the Charter of Youth Coalition on Internet Governance:
YCIG Charter in Ukrainian.pdf

Ukrainian Youth and Internet Governance
from European perspective

общая Ed Img 8269 (3)

conference at Ukrainian Parliament

22 May 2018

Bankova street, 6-8

initiated by iNGO “European Media Platform”, supported by Mariya Ionova, Chair of VRU Committee on eurointegration, Michal Boni, EP Member, and Civic Synergy project of International Renaissance Foundation

85+ on-site participants gathered at Ukrainian Parliament venue (Bankova street, 6-8) to discuss the role of Ukrainian Youth in Internet Governance.

(see more)

Taking stock of EMP participation in IGF 2017

European Media Platform (EMP) actively participated in 12th Internet Governance Forum (IGF), which took place in Geneva, Palais of Nations, 18-21 December 2017).


Youth IGF-UA Pro

October 5 (2017), Kyiv, Pymonenka 6

UPDATE: Youth IGF-UA Pro Report

INGO European Media Platform (in partnership with America House, Internet Governance Forum Supporting Association and Institute of education content modernization) invites you to Youth IGF-UA Pro.

This event will take place at America House Kyiv (6 Mykoly Pymonenka St.)

  • on October 5 2017 from 11:00 till 16:00 

as a pre-event of VIII Ukrainian Internet Governance Forum (October 6 2017, Nivki-hall).

The purpose of Youth IGF-IA Pro is to enhance participation of Ukrainian youth in Internet Governance process and especially in IGF-UA VIII, to start preparation for Youth IGF-UA I (February 2018).

More information both in English and Ukrainian is available here:

New! NRIs Toolkit in Russian


ICANN-58 Kyiv Hub

ICANN-58 Kyiv Hub will be held on 16.03.2017, 12:00-14:00, at Hetmana str, 1-b


EMP Report 2016 (in Ukrainian)

Звіт ЄМП за 2016 рік: http://eump.org/uk/emp-report-2016

Перспективы управления Интернетом в 2017 году:
националистические иерархии против мультистейкхолдерных сетей

Перевод статьи «Internet Governance Outlook 2017: Nationalistic Hierarchies vs. Multistakeholder Networks?»
By Wolfgang Kleinwächter

Stakeholders' Lunch at IGF-UA VII

INGO European Media Platform with financial support of Internet Governance Forum Support Association organized Stakeholders' Lunch and surveyed participants of IGF UA VII for their stakeholders' roles and responsibilities. 

Please see the report on the event here: Stakeholders' Lunch at IGF-UA VII (pdf)

SEEDIG 2016: Elements of IG ecosystem in SEEDIG countries

Seedig2016 Presentation
Oksana Prykhodko at SEEDIG 2016: Elements of IG ecosystem in SEEDIG countries

National interests of Ukraine in global system of Internet governance

invitation to join our round table on 19 April 2016

2016 04 19

ICANN 55 Remote Hub in Kyiv

Icann55ICANN 55 Remote Hub in Kyiv invites you to take part into discussion on Internet Governance during ICANN conference in Marrakesh (5-10 March 2016).


Safer Internet Day  round table

(9 February 2016, 14:00 – 17:00, Ukraine, Kyiv, Velyka Zhytomyrska 9)

This round table was initiated by iNGO “European Media Platform” and co-organized by

State Agency on E-government of Ukraine

State Service of Special Communication and Information Protection of Ukraine

National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Informatization

High-level officials, representatives of law-enforcement structures, IT CEOs, heads of NGOs, Ukrainian and foreign experts discussed the situation with cybersecurity in Ukraine.


WSIS+10 review

iNGO European Media Platform endorsed Joint Statement on WSIS+10

Round table "Global Internet Governance and the position of Ukraine" 

(October 15, 2015, m. Kyiv, vul. Velyka Zhytomyrska 9)

organized by the State Agency for electronic government
and initiated by the INGO European Media Platform (EMP)


You can find more details here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1039183672793790/