Oksana Prykhodko
Director of the iNGO European Media Platform
Project manager of “Internet identifiers in time of war” (with financial support of RIPE NCC)
Mrs. Prykhodko has been involved in Internet Governance since 2006, when she as a journalist was invited by the Council of Europe to the First IGF in Athens. In 2008 she participated in the work of the Council of Europe group of experts on human rights in the information society, in 2009 graduated European Summer School on Internet Governance in Meissen, in 2010 – Diplo Foundation Internet Governance Capacity Building Program, in 2011 – ICANN Fellowship Program. Participated in nearly half of editions of IGF and in nearly all editions of EuroDIG, organized Kyiv hubs of remote participation in ICANN meetings, IGF, EuroDIG, SEEDIG. In 2011–2013 served as EURALO Secretary.
In 2010 Oksana Prykhodko initiated European Media Platform (EMP) – international non-governmental organization with the mission to promote European standards and values in media and information society (first of all in Eastern European countries). EMP was registered by Ukrainian Ministry of Justice in 2010 with head-quarter in Kyiv, Ukraine, and is active in Ukraine, Denmark, Armenia, Finland, Moldova and other European countries. EMP organizes series of events at Ukrainian Parliament, Ukrainian ministries, dealing with information society, cybersecurity, data protection, telecom. In 2015 Oksana Prykhodko became a member of Working Group 6 (Science and technology, information society, education, youth, culture and sport) of EU-UA Civil Society Platform (based on multistakeholder approach). In 2016 EMP General Assembly decided to prioritize implementation of the multistakeholder model in Ukraine.
From the very beginning EMP was actively involved in Internet Governance. In 2010 EMP initiated Ukrainian Internet Governance Forum (IGF-UA) and since that actively participated in all 14 editions of IGF-UA. In 2016 EMP initiated Youth IGF-UA and co-organized five editions of Youth IGF-UA. EMP is also member of EURALO (At-Large ICANN) since 2010, and in 2019 EMP director Oksana Prykhodko was honored with the title “ICANN Ambassador”.
She is the author of more than 1500 journalistic articles and about dozen of scientific articles.
Key projects:
- Integration of Ukraine into European Digital Single Market: turning challenges into opportunities. This project is executed by EMP with the support of the European Union and the International Renaissance Foundation within the framework of the Civic Synergy Project and under the auspices of the Ukrainian Side of the EU-Ukraine Civil Society Platform. EMP translated European Electronic Communications code into Ukrainian, surveyed Ukrainian stakeholders, participated in Working Group at Ukrainian Parliament on drafting Ukrainian Electronic Communications Code. More information in English:
- Cybersecurity from the point of view of Ukrainian youth. This project was supported by Counterpart Int.and USAID. EMP surveyed Ukrainian schoolchildren and students on cyberthreats and their awareness about them, discussed the results of the survey with key Ukrainian experts and proposed practical recommendations for Ukrainian Parliament, Ukrainian Government and other Ukrainian and international stakeholders and presented them at Ukrainian Parliament (with participation of Michail Boni, then Member of European Parliament).
- Youth in Internet Governance. The most ambitious project of EMP, which is supported by Internet Governance Forum Supporting Association, ICANN, RIPE NCC, other stakeholders. In 2016 Oksana Prykhodko, EMP director, participated in writing of Toolkits for National, Regional and Youth Internet Governance initiatives (official recommendations of IGF secretariat). In 2017 EMP trainees translated these NRIs Toolkits into Russian (to post them on official IGF website) and organized Youth IGF-UA Pro. Then there were five editions of Youth IGF-UA, some Youth IGF-UA hubs. In 2019 Valerie Dubytska, EMP deputy director, participated in IGF in Berlin as official delegate of Youth IGF Summit.